Modernising Tennis Plan

ITF World Tennis Number

One of the Modernising Tennis Plan initiatives, the ITF World Tennis Number, will be launching in New Zealand starting in early April 2023.

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Jono's Return: Let's focus on the growth and sustainability of our beloved sport

And other reasons why the Tennis NZ Coach & Club HUI is so important for our tennis community.

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Jono's Return: Learning from each other

One of the biggest and most important lessons that I believe made the greatest impact on my next couple of decades in the work force, was that there was no need to ‘reinvent the wheel’ but instead seek constant improvement by using all resources.

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Jono's Return: What does a Strong Club mean?

Is a tennis club strong because it has a large number of members? Does it have a lot of money in the bank account? Has it won a lot of awards, a lot of interclub titles, and does it have the top players around? I have seen all these attributes in various tennis clubs over my years, only to see those clubs in question almost on their knees.


Jono's Return: How do I compare?

Anyone who has ever played competitive sport in general, will often have a similar based question that they ask themselves… “How do I compare to others?”

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Jono's Return: When an Opportunity Presents Itself

Learn more about Jono Spring and what is Tennis NZ's Modernising Tennis Plan?


Our plan to modernise tennis in New Zealand

Thanks to the great momentum and the initiatives already underway across our regions - we’re able to accelerate our efforts to roll out a robust set of Nationally Shared Initiatives to grow and improve tennis in New Zealand